baru dibuka. online based! means memang takde kedai. jual barang2 / concert goodies / dan sewaktu dengannya of Jpop & Kpop.
sebabkan masih baru, so barang tak banyak lagi. and! apa yang perlu diingat, semuanya pre-order. akan mengambil masa selama 10-17 hari untuk sampai. dan order pula mengikut batch / giliran.
nak survey2 dulu? sure! jom!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
[URGENT] 24hr rep t-shirt
So, as I've 6 pcs of unwanted t-shirt (its french grey blue color), anyone interested? Kindly SMS me [0176457989]
Only for Malaysian
Price: RM 25
Semenanjung: RM 8
Sabah / Sarawak: RM 10
Size available: XS (1), S (1), M (2), L (2)
Only for Malaysian
Price: RM 25
Semenanjung: RM 8
Sabah / Sarawak: RM 10
Size available: XS (1), S (1), M (2), L (2)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
[24hr tv replica tee] And so the 2nd batch is now open. Anyone interested?
RM 25
Postage: West Malaysia RM8 / East RM 10
Slot: 6/20
Size: XS-XXXL (Refer to the picture)
Note: Measurement in inches
Material: 100% cotton round neck
Another color
Interested? Kindly email me to qiela_sagygurl87[at]yahoo[dot]com to order.
Please use format as shown below
Phone number:
Color: Pink / Blue / Yellow
Payment via: CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) / Online transfer
Date / Time of transfer:
My account number will be given later via email.
RM 25
Postage: West Malaysia RM8 / East RM 10
Slot: 6/20
Size: XS-XXXL (Refer to the picture)
Note: Measurement in inches
Material: 100% cotton round neck
Another color
Interested? Kindly email me to qiela_sagygurl87[at]yahoo[dot]com to order.
Please use format as shown below
Phone number:
Color: Pink / Blue / Yellow
Payment via: CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) / Online transfer
Date / Time of transfer:
My account number will be given later via email.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Adv: Handbag Wanita Jenama OPPO
Cari handbag wanita / beg tangan wanita???
Juga nak cari yang ada jenama tapi murah???
Try OPPO. Satu jenama dari Hong Kong. Design yang sangat simple yet elegant.
Kat mana ada jual???
Try sini
Harga yang dijual sangat-sangat berpatutan. Try la \(^0^)/
Juga nak cari yang ada jenama tapi murah???
Try OPPO. Satu jenama dari Hong Kong. Design yang sangat simple yet elegant.
Kat mana ada jual???
Try sini
Harga yang dijual sangat-sangat berpatutan. Try la \(^0^)/
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
ライアーゲーム -再生
Those who are looking for this movie (as most of the visitors whose visited here are looking for this one), please take note that the DVD are going to be released on September 19. And so, until then, there will be no update for that movie. Thank you
Monday, May 14, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Adv: Sophie Paris Collection
Lets reward our self with something memorable. A collection of handbags from Sophie Paris;- a new and exclusive French-designed with high quality but at reasonable price ♥♥♥ What’s more, postage fee is fixed! Only RM 15/shipment for Semenanjung and RM 40/shipment for Sabah / Sarawak
So, what are you waiting for? Ask friends / family members to shop together ♥♥♥
We're Moving
This blog is now only for my personal stuffs. Not for downloading sites. Please do click the image below and you'll be direct to a new blog...and you may download all of the videos there once it open for public. Or you can ask me to open it to public if you understand the rules stated there. So, have fun!
This blog is now only for my personal stuffs. Not for downloading sites. Please do click the image below and you'll be direct to a new blog...and you may download all of the videos there once it open for public. Or you can ask me to open it to public if you understand the rules stated there. So, have fun!
Monday, April 30, 2012
A love letter to myself
Memang tak dinafikan, kita selalu dengar perumpamaan seperti itu. Tapi adakah kita sedar hidup kita ibarat roda atau pun kita hanya sekadar membiarkan sesuatu yang berlaku berlalu begitu sahaja?Hidup ini ibarat roda.
Ibaratkan kita sedar akan hidup kita seperti roda. Tandakan suatu part (for sure almost all of us akan tanda di bahagian atas) pada roda tersebut sebagai penunjuk hidup kita. For starting, we will see we're at above. Nothing can change the feelings of being so happy like the world is yours. And then, after a while, with a 'force' applied, that part goes slowly down to earth. Time taken will be depending on the force. Sometimes, in a second, that part's already at the bottom (180°) but sometimes, it will stop at the 45° or maybe at 35°. Well, as I said, it will depend on the force.
Jika, that part stops at less than 10°, adakah kita sedar? Adakah kita sedar yang hidup kita dah pun menunjukkan kita dah tersasar dari landasan yang betul? Kemungkinan 'Ya' dan kemungkinan 'Tidak'. The possibilities is 50-50. Tapi jika kita menggunakan faktor cara kehidupan kita sekarang ini dalam menentukan kemungkinan kita sedar akan kehidupan kita yang dah pun tersasar, percentage nya will be different;- 90% No and 10% Yes (or maybe less).
Aku bercakap based on pengalaman. Hidup aku dah tersasar begitu jauh. Yes, dah lama aku hidup dalam kegelapan. Walaupun ada yang sudi memberikan cahaya, namun, cahaya tersebut makin menyesatkan aku ke dalam kegelapan yang akan membuatkan aku jauh dari DIA, yang akan membuatkan DIA murka dan marah padaku. Aku tak mahu DIA murka padaku, apatah lagi marah padaku. Aku hanya hamba, dan DIA adalah tuanku. Pada certain orang, cahaya tersebut merupakan satu anugerah dan Yes, pada mulanya aku berfikir begitu. Tapi, aku tak mahu terlalu tegopoh gapah dalam mencari cahaya sebab aku inginkan cahaya yang kekal abadi hingga dapat menerangkan rumah baruku yang bersaiz 7x3 nanti. Aku tak mahu rumah baruku itu gelap dan dipenuhi dengan makhluk makhluk lain. Aku mahu rumahku cerah, cerah seperti matahari yang menyinar menerangi semesta alam ini. Dan aku mahu hidup aman di sana tanpa diseksa oleh penolong penolong NYA.
Ya! Aku mahu hidupku di sana seperti itu, aman & tenang. Tetapi, adakah aku betul betul layak untuk hidup dalam keadaan demikian? Adakah aku betul betul layak? Banyak perkara yang dilarang oleh NYA aku lakukan, dan banyak perkara yang disuruh oleh NYA aku tinggalkan. Adakah aku layak untuk terima kehidupan yang diidamkan di sana? Sebilangan orang akan mengatakan "Tidak! Kau tak layak!" tapi sebilangan orang yang amat humble and down to earth dalam hidupnya akan mengatakan "Kau masih lagi layak untuk dapat kehidupan yang kamu impikan di sana sekiranya kamu berusaha untuk mendapatkannya dan bukannya ditunggu sehingga ianya datang"
Ya Allah! Besar dugaan MU pada ku ini. Jujur ku katakan, aku tak mampu lagi untuk meneruskan hidup ini. Amat perit untuk aku menghadapi dugaan sebegini. Hanya mengharapkan simpati dari makhluk ciptaan MU, keturunan Muezza untuk jadi peneman setiaku. Aku tahu aku sepatutnya mengadu setiap perkara pada MU, tapi ego ku melampaui batas. Ego ku mencabul hak MU sebagai PENCIPTA ku.
Ya Allah! Jauh sekali untuk aku murka pada MU, jauh sekali untuk aku berpaling dari MU. Hati kecilku masih lagi mengaku KAU pencipta ku dan Muhammad Rasul ku. Hati kecil ku juga masih lagi mengimpikan keampunan dari MU, pertolongan dari MU dan syafaat dari kekasih MU.
Ya Allah! Jika inilah yang terbaik untuk hamba MU ini, permudahkanlah urusannya jauh kanlah hamba MU ini dari sifat sifat keji. Dekat kanlah diri hamba MU ini dengan sifat sifat terpuji.
Ya Allah! Aku memohon kehidupan yang abadi di sana. Kehidupan yang aku impikan ketika berada di taman syurga MU di rumah kekasih MU Ya Allah! Walaupun hanya untuk beberapa ketika, namun aku ingin sekali untuk merasai perasaan seperti itu Ya Allah! Perasaan yang sayu, perasaan rendah diri, perasaan yang mengaku bahawa aku adalah hamba, dan KAU adalah tuhanku.
"Raudhah... aku merinduimu
Kaabah... aku menunggu panggilan mu
Nabawi... aku rindu akan ketenangan mu
Berilah aku peluang untuk sedar akan siapa diri ku disisi MU
Berilah aku peluang untuk menjadi tetamu istimewa MU
Berilah aku peluang untuk mengucap salam pada kekasih MU
Berilah aku peluang untuk akhiri hidup ku dengan keredhaan MU"
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Hey guys~! *waves*
Starting April 6 (Japan's time) this blog will turn into private. Those who wants to continue downloading videos from this blog, kindly leave your email here so I can add you on the list
Thank you and have fun
Dear Haru...
I remember the first time watching Gokusen 3 in which he act as Kazama Ren.
'This dude is hot~" and so, looking for his profile on net and Bam!
Name: Miura Haruma
D.O.B: April 5 1990 (same age with my little brother)
Agency: Amuse Agency (why not J&A?)
Searching for the drama he act
Gokusen 3
Crows Zero 2
Bloody Monday 1 & 2
Samurai High School
Binbo Danshi
Guess what, I'm downloading all of them >.<
That's how he stole my heart.
Till now I still like him and I will like him till forever ^^
Dear Haru-chan,
Happy Sweet 22 Birthday
May your dreams come true and keep on smiling. I love your smile ^^
miura haruma
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Takara Sagashi Adventure Nazotoki Battle TORE 120402!
Update (April 4):
Those who want the KARA part can search on youtube. Lots of uploader has upload the video.
Those who want the Aiba part can go to dozchan@Lj
Those who want the full version (in LQ) can go to misurando@Lj
Those who want the full version (in HQ) can go to jpddl
Note: dozchan@Lj is open for public while misurando@Lj is a closed one which is mean you need to join the community first.
Those who want the KARA part can search on youtube. Lots of uploader has upload the video.
Those who want the Aiba part can go to dozchan@Lj
Those who want the full version (in LQ) can go to misurando@Lj
Those who want the full version (in HQ) can go to jpddl
Note: dozchan@Lj is open for public while misurando@Lj is a closed one which is mean you need to join the community first.
Preview of next Nazotoki Battle TORE!
Aiba and the casts of Mikeneko Holmes in TORE.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Funneh~~~ and I loike ^^
So funneh ~~~ Heh
Akame's fan, get a life, kay~ ^^
P/s: I like Kame but I DON'T like Akanishi. Sorry! Don't drag Kame in anything related to Jin either good or bad. Even KAT-TUN also is a BIG NO-NO. Left them alone. Jin has his own life so do them. I ask you, if Kame or other KT's member did something, did they drag Jin together??? NOPE! Even reporters and fans didn't even once mention Jin's name. So, left them alone. They have nothing to do with Jin and so Jin.
Again, get a life Akame's fans.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Another announcement (^^)v
Hey! Referring to this post, yes! This blog is going into private starting April 6 with only certain people can access to this blog and downloading stuffs.
Jaa ne~
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
item4sale: #49 Bag [R567]
item4sale: #49 Bag [R567]: Code: R567_Purple / R567_Pink / R567_Orange / R567_White / R567_Black / R567_Red / R567_Blue Price: RM 44 Avai...
Monday, March 26, 2012
Announcement from your Admin (^.^)v
Hey guys! Just wanna tell you, later this blog will be totally turn into private. Only those who follow can access to this blog. Sorry for that.
So, in the meantime, please download as much as you want while its still open for public
To Malaysians, help this cat okay~ Just copy the picture and spread it to either twitter, blog or facebook. Please help this cat.
item4sale: #48 Bag [HB3137]
item4sale: #48 Bag [HB3137]: Code: HB3137_Black / HB3137_Green / HB3137_Pink / HB3137_Rose Red / HB3137_White / HB3137_Yellow Price: RM40 Material: PU Leather Cont...
Jin's Punishment and my 2 cents
Following this post
source: sanspo, arama
Jin's tour has been cancelled by Johnnys and Jin's fans blame Johnnys for that.
My 2 cents: He deserve it. Sorry to Jin's fans. I've been KT's fan since their debut. Yes, since 2006 (but not a die-hard fan). But guess what, I don't like Jin to be honest. He seems like he has some sort of "I'm an idol. So I can do anything that I want. I don't care bout the rules as I have lots of fans compare to others member" aura. I feel that maybe coz of I'm Kame's fan. But I don't think I'm wrong. Later, he goes to LA to "study English". He left the band for bout 6months. Then coming back like there's nothing happened. Then, some years later, "Hey Johnny, I wanna left KT. I want to continue as solo artist in America". So, he left KT and pursue his career in America as solo. At first, I was like why America? Why not in Japan? Then... the shot-gun marriage. This is when I feel... ugh! Please spare Meisa's life okay~? I like her and honestly I dont want her to be with Jin. But, love is, yeah. The one thing that I dont like bout Jin is how he handle his problem. Please be a professional. Fans accept the fact that you're married but please handle it like a pro. After both agencies denied the fact bout your relationship, two days later news announced that you're married BUT both agencies didnt even know bout the marriage!. Wth is that??? And now your wife is 3months pregnant. How do you want to support your family if you don't have any money left? Please Jin.. left the Jimusho or spare Meisa and your baby's life. You're already late 20's, not a kid anymore.
p/s: This is my 2cents. I'm more on blaming Jin coz I look the case from Johnny's view. No offense here Jin's fans.
source: sanspo, arama
Jin's tour has been cancelled by Johnnys and Jin's fans blame Johnnys for that.
My 2 cents: He deserve it. Sorry to Jin's fans. I've been KT's fan since their debut. Yes, since 2006 (but not a die-hard fan). But guess what, I don't like Jin to be honest. He seems like he has some sort of "I'm an idol. So I can do anything that I want. I don't care bout the rules as I have lots of fans compare to others member" aura. I feel that maybe coz of I'm Kame's fan. But I don't think I'm wrong. Later, he goes to LA to "study English". He left the band for bout 6months. Then coming back like there's nothing happened. Then, some years later, "Hey Johnny, I wanna left KT. I want to continue as solo artist in America". So, he left KT and pursue his career in America as solo. At first, I was like why America? Why not in Japan? Then... the shot-gun marriage. This is when I feel... ugh! Please spare Meisa's life okay~? I like her and honestly I dont want her to be with Jin. But, love is, yeah. The one thing that I dont like bout Jin is how he handle his problem. Please be a professional. Fans accept the fact that you're married but please handle it like a pro. After both agencies denied the fact bout your relationship, two days later news announced that you're married BUT both agencies didnt even know bout the marriage!. Wth is that??? And now your wife is 3months pregnant. How do you want to support your family if you don't have any money left? Please Jin.. left the Jimusho or spare Meisa and your baby's life. You're already late 20's, not a kid anymore.
p/s: This is my 2cents. I'm more on blaming Jin coz I look the case from Johnny's view. No offense here Jin's fans.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
item4sale: #46 Bag [HB3001]
item4sale: #46 Bag [HB3001]: Code: HB3001_Red (Pinkish) / HB3001_White Price: RM46 Postage fee: Peninsular: Free Sabah / Sarawak: +RM2 Material: Canvas Width: 23...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
item4sale: #45 Bag [Y829]
item4sale: #45 Bag [Y829]: Code: Y829_Red / Y829_Soft Orange / Y829_White / Y829_Blue Price: RM45 Availability: Limited Material: PU Leather Height: 28-29cm Wi...
[News] Yoko and Ryo in HnA
As the title said, Ryo and Yoko will appear in Himitsu no Arashi chan April 19. So, more Arashi x Kanjani collaboration again~!!!
p/s: since I'm big fan of both group, so, I'll definitely upload that episode.
p/s: since I'm big fan of both group, so, I'll definitely upload that episode.
Friday, March 23, 2012
TORE! Kaibutsu team vs Liar Game Reborn SP
Update: Poll closed. With that I'll upload Liar Game Reborn SP and later TORE! with Kaibutsu Team.
Planning to change my layout again but I don't have any idea (-.\)
By the way, I have Nazotoki Battle TORE! with Kaibutsu team and Liar Game Reborn SP. Who wants??? I will upload the highest vote first. And a note to remember, both are RAW version.
Planning to change my layout again but I don't have any idea (-.\)
By the way, I have Nazotoki Battle TORE! with Kaibutsu team and Liar Game Reborn SP. Who wants??? I will upload the highest vote first. And a note to remember, both are RAW version.
Upload TORE! and Liar Game Reborn SP
Thursday, March 22, 2012
BJ - Ryo's Version
Hey~! It's time for another post. Now I bring you the BJ's performance but it is Ryo's version. He perform it in eight x eighter concert. Have fun AND! No re-upload to ANY streaming sites.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
item4sale: #39 Bag [K103]
item4sale: #39 Bag [K103]: Code: K103_Black / K103_Green Price: RM 60 Availability: Limited Material: Canvas Height: 32cm Width: 45cm Contain: A4size Or...
item4sale: #37 Purse [P736]
item4sale: #37 Purse [P736]: Code: P736_Purple / P736_Red (Pink) / P736_Coffee Price: RM 23 Availability: Limited Order
Kagi no Kakatta Heya (鍵のかかった部屋)
Yeah! Yeah! I know the drama will start on April 16. But... hey! Who can resist this guy?
AND! not to forget~
Ok, jaa ne~
Monday, March 19, 2012
Liar Game: Saisei SP
I just finished watching Liar Game Reborn SP. Ok, at first I thought it was a movie but it's not (blame me for not read it right). So the SP is some kind of like a teaser of a movie. For me, it just show the start of the movie.
This time, it only focus on Fukunaga (the mushroom hair dude) and Yokoya (the white hair guy in season 2). Both fight in one-on-one battle and it calls the Taboo Game. Since my Japanese is limited, I just happened to caught only 30% of the show plus the show itself fulls of tricks (that's makes my brain comes dizzy and it stops functioning)
Fukunaga and Yokoya
Ashida Mana (honestly she looks tired)
Who can forget this dude???
So, that's all. I need to sleep like right now. Haha. Jaa ne~
Sunday, March 18, 2012
item4sale: #35 Bag [Miss TheaT238]
item4sale: #35 Bag [Miss TheaT238]: Code: Miss TheaT238 Price: RM53 In-Stock: 1 Width: 39cm Height: 28cm Thickness: 15cm Handle height: 23cm Contain: A4siz...
item4sale: #34 Bag [MissTheaT007]
item4sale: #34 Bag [MissTheaT007]: Code: Miss TheaT007_Color Out of Stock: Grey & White Price: RM59 Width: 40cm Height: 33cm Thickness: 15cm Handle height: 25...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Yeah! Mannequin 5 SP
This is my 300th post! *throws confetti* So, to celebrate it, lets guess who is who for the upcoming Mannequin 5 SP~!!
For me
No.1 Riida (but I dont think so)
No.2 Maybe Aiba (but somehow the glasses reminds me of Kagi no Kakatta Heya)
No.3 Jun (or maybe Nino -> Kurono Kei in Gantz)
No.4 Sho (i cant think others fit in this outfit except him XDDD)
No.5 Nino (could be Aiba too but guess what, someone's cheating~! )
How bout you guys??? Lets have fun! You can leave comment in chatbox ^^
1. Riida
2. Jun
3. Sho
4. Aiba
5. Nino
And I think the guess is correct coz remember the HnA episode where they've their lunch time in a restaurant after the recording of Mannequin 5 SP(the one which Riida need to pay of the bills but at the end he ordered an ice-cream)? There was once Sho (?) asked who will be the last person for this Mannequin 5 SP and the 3 vote for Aiba and one for Ohno. But, guess we have to wait for April 12 ^^
No.1 Riida (but I dont think so)
No.2 Maybe Aiba (but somehow the glasses reminds me of Kagi no Kakatta Heya)
No.3 Jun (or maybe Nino -> Kurono Kei in Gantz)
No.4 Sho (i cant think others fit in this outfit except him XDDD)
No.5 Nino (could be Aiba too but guess what, someone's cheating~! )
1. Riida
2. Jun
3. Sho
4. Aiba
5. Nino
And I think the guess is correct coz remember the HnA episode where they've their lunch time in a restaurant after the recording of Mannequin 5 SP(the one which Riida need to pay of the bills but at the end he ordered an ice-cream)? There was once Sho (?) asked who will be the last person for this Mannequin 5 SP and the 3 vote for Aiba and one for Ohno. But, guess we have to wait for April 12 ^^
Friday, March 16, 2012
item4sale: #05 Arashi - Meikyuu Love Song (Regular Edition)
item4sale: #05 Arashi - Meikyuu Love Song (Regular Edition): Arashi - Meikyuu Love Song [Regular Edition] Condition: Sealed [unopened] Quantity: 1 Price: RM 45 Postage fee:- ...
item4sale: #06 Handbag [Code 8031Y]
item4sale: #06 Handbag [Code 8031Y]: Code: 8031Y_Black / 8013Y_PlatinumGrey / 8013Y_SoftMustard / 8013Y_Turqoise Price: RM 45 ( inclusive postage fee) Postage fee: Semen...
item4sale: #30 Bag [HB3027]
item4sale: #30 Bag [HB3027]: Code: HB3027_Red / HB3027_Black / HB3027_Brown Price: RM46 Material: Artificial Leather Width: 15cm Length: 37cm Height: 24cm Bott...
item4sale: #29 Handbag [HB3031]
Get it while stock last! only for a limited time! item4sale: #29 Handbag [HB3031]: Code: HB3031_Black / HB3031_Brown / HB3031_Red / HB3031_White Price: RM47 Material: PU Leather Length: 33cm Width: 12cm Height: ...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
item4sale: #32 Bag [HB3093]
item4sale: #32 Bag [HB3093]: Code: HB3093_Black Price: RM47 Material: Artificial Leather Length: 48cm Height: 33cm Bottom Width: 15cm Handle Length: 55cm Conte...
item4sale: #28 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0644]
item4sale: #28 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0644]: Code: JC0644_Black / JC0644_Pink Price: RM41 Material: Cotton Length: 84cm Bust: 68-100cm Sleeve: 57cm Order
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
item4sale: #27 Bag [HB3126]
item4sale: #27 Bag [HB3126]: Code: HB3126_Black / HB3126_Brown Price: RM40 Material: PU Leather Length: 52cm Width: 16cm Height: 29cm Bottom Width: 16cm Content...
item4sale: #26 Handbag [HB3094]
item4sale: #26 Handbag [HB3094]: Code: HB3094 Price: RM43 Material: PU Leather Length: 40cm Width: 11cm Bottom Width: 11cm Height: 22cm Handle Length: 22cm Orde...
item4sale: #24 Handbag [6703]
item4sale: #24 Handbag [6703]: Code: 6703_Brown / 6703_Khaki Brown / 6703_Fushia / 6703_Black Price: RM 35 Postage fee: Peninsular Malaysia +RM7 Sabah / Sarawak / Lab...
item4sale: #17 Handbag [BM0035]
item4sale: #17 Handbag [BM0035]: Code: BM0035_Brown / BM0035_Black / BM0035_Blue / BM0035_Rose Re d / BM0035_Pink Price: RM 45 Postage fee: Free Material: Artificial L...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
item4sale: #23 Jacket/Cardigan [MJ0024]
For him! item4sale: #23 Jacket/Cardigan [MJ0024]: Code: MJ0024 Color: Green Price: RM123 (only for the jacket) Postage fee: FREE ( for Malaysian buyers only ) Material: Cotton Size d...
VS Arashi March 08
Sorry for the late. Suppose I have to get it uploaded yesterday but due to internet connection, I just get it done by today. So here's the VS Arashi for March 08
info | 001 | 002 | 003 | 004
info | 001 | 002 | 003 | 004
Sunday, March 11, 2012
item4sale: #21 Jacket/Cardigan [ JC0621]
NEW ITEM ARRIVED! GET IT WHILE STOCK LAST! item4sale: #21 Jacket/Cardigan [ JC0621]: Code: JC0621_Blue / JC0621_Pink Price: RM 42 Material: Knitted Cotton Length: 60cm Bust: 68-120cm Sleeve: 58cm Order
item4sale: #22 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0625]
NEW ITEM! item4sale: #22 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0625]: Code: JC0625 Price: RM 41 Material: Cotton Length: 70cm Bust: 68-96cm Order
Don't be a hypocrite, okay! Shame on you!
Aku memang agak tension kali ni. Tapi disebabkan hamba Allah ni orang yang ada kaitan dengan aku, maka aku terpaksa makan hati. Tapi serius cakap, dalam hati memang dah &*^&^&% ini orang. Huh! Come on la, if tak suka cakap jer tak suka. Tak payah la nak hipokrit okay! Depan orang berlagak baik tapi belakang... pergh! Mengalahkan orang yang langsung tak pernah solat dalam kehidupan seharian dia. Huh! *Sabar wahai hati*
Kucing aku tengah sakit...kau pergi halau dia keluar apsal? Dia kecik lagi okay! Dah berapa hari tak makan. Tak kan la langsung takde sifat keperimanusiaan sikit? Even haiwan pun lagi baik dari kau okay! Setakat berlagak pergi masjid solat 5 waktu baik tak payah la! If benci sangat dengan kucing aku tu, cakap! Aku boleh bawak dia pergi. Tak payah kau susah-susah nak pergi basuh poo dia (walaupun aku yang basuh poo dia), bagi dia makan (walaupun aku jugak yang selalu bagi dia makan), menghabiskan duit untuk makanan dia (even selama ni aku yang bayar duit untuk makanan dia)... *Sabar wahai hati*
I wish I'm a millionaire. Amin!
Kucing aku tengah sakit...kau pergi halau dia keluar apsal? Dia kecik lagi okay! Dah berapa hari tak makan. Tak kan la langsung takde sifat keperimanusiaan sikit? Even haiwan pun lagi baik dari kau okay! Setakat berlagak pergi masjid solat 5 waktu baik tak payah la! If benci sangat dengan kucing aku tu, cakap! Aku boleh bawak dia pergi. Tak payah kau susah-susah nak pergi basuh poo dia (walaupun aku yang basuh poo dia), bagi dia makan (walaupun aku jugak yang selalu bagi dia makan), menghabiskan duit untuk makanan dia (even selama ni aku yang bayar duit untuk makanan dia)... *Sabar wahai hati*
I wish I'm a millionaire. Amin!
item4sale: #18 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0611]
Jacket/Cardigan for MYR50 (Postage free across M'sia!) item4sale: #18 Jacket/Cardigan [JC0611]: Code: JC0611_Black / JC0611_Coffee Price: RM 50 Postage fee: Free Material: Soft Cotton Length: 106cm Bust: 68-120cm Order
This is the date that I'll always remember for my entire life. It's been a year after that things happened. No one will ever forget that. Still remember the day when I just woke up from my sleep, got message from my friend, "Please pray for them! Pray for their safety!" and I just "What is this about?" and she was like "Just go watch the news and twitter". and so, I opened my twitter and... "An earthquake hit Japan followed by tsunami". I was like.. *shocked* "Is it true?" and so I turn on the tv and yes... It's been all around the news. to be honest, during that time, I'm worried bout them. yes! them. "Is they alright?" "Is their family alright?". Each and every second I refreshing my timeline just to update with the news.
Furusato played on my ipod after Carry On. Next is Hatenai Sora.
Furusato played on my ipod after Carry On. Next is Hatenai Sora.
11.03.11 I will remember this date forever.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
12.03.09 Arashi - Music Station (MiniSte + Performance)
[Eng_ subbed] Arashi - Wild at Heart (Performance part)
12.03.09 Arashi - MiniSte
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
item4sale: #19 Bag [HB3132]
New item arrived: item4sale: #19 Bag [HB3132]: Code: HB3132_Beige / HB3132_Black Price: RM 39 Material: PU Leather Length: 48cm Height: 29cm Handle Height: 21cm Bottom Width: 14c...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
okay, I honestly don't know how to elaborate what is dropbox, how it works, is it okay to use it and so on. But judging from my experience (again, I said my experience), its a little bit hard and might only SOME people can get the file that you want to share IF you have their email address.
Okay, lets start from the scratch till how you want to share the file.
First, you need to download the application (in other words, you HAVE to install the software PLUS you HAVE to make sure that others that you're planning to share the file with HAVE the program on their computer) Got it?
Second, create an account and log in. THIS is the most important note to take. You only have 2Gb free. If wanna upgrade, there's no other ways except buy it. UNLESS you get others to join the dropbox (together with other quests that you need to complete) you'll get an extra of 250Mb. Got it?
Next, once you've install the dropbox on your computer, a folder will create automatically (in my case its in C:\). So, drag or copy or whatever it is the file that you want to share to the folder (Not to forget, you may create your own folder in the dropbox folder too).
Next, back to the folder (not the dropbox folder!) that has your file in it and right-click > dropbox > share this folder. Then, you'll be asked to give an email address of the recipient (compulsory) and a message (optional). So, you're done!
That's how it works. So, how is it? I don't have any idea on which file hosting I can use anymore besides the you-need-to-have-premium-account-to-download-the-file-faster file hosting. Since the attack, it's hard to only upload the file to mediafire. the one that I use right now, seems to follow megaupload anytime soon after book's publisher make a report of them.
My 2cents: since Mediafire has the new system like dropbox, I think I prefer Mediafire ^^
Side note>>> New item: item-4-sale
okay, I honestly don't know how to elaborate what is dropbox, how it works, is it okay to use it and so on. But judging from my experience (again, I said my experience), its a little bit hard and might only SOME people can get the file that you want to share IF you have their email address.
Okay, lets start from the scratch till how you want to share the file.
First, you need to download the application (in other words, you HAVE to install the software PLUS you HAVE to make sure that others that you're planning to share the file with HAVE the program on their computer) Got it?
Second, create an account and log in. THIS is the most important note to take. You only have 2Gb free. If wanna upgrade, there's no other ways except buy it. UNLESS you get others to join the dropbox (together with other quests that you need to complete) you'll get an extra of 250Mb. Got it?
Next, once you've install the dropbox on your computer, a folder will create automatically (in my case its in C:\). So, drag or copy or whatever it is the file that you want to share to the folder (Not to forget, you may create your own folder in the dropbox folder too).
Next, back to the folder (not the dropbox folder!) that has your file in it and right-click > dropbox > share this folder. Then, you'll be asked to give an email address of the recipient (compulsory) and a message (optional). So, you're done!
That's how it works. So, how is it? I don't have any idea on which file hosting I can use anymore besides the you-need-to-have-premium-account-to-download-the-file-faster file hosting. Since the attack, it's hard to only upload the file to mediafire. the one that I use right now, seems to follow megaupload anytime soon after book's publisher make a report of them.
My 2cents: since Mediafire has the new system like dropbox, I think I prefer Mediafire ^^
Side note>>> New item: item-4-sale
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
item-4-sale: #14 Handbag [HB3108]
item-4-sale: #14 Handbag [HB3108]: Code: HB3108_Black / HB3108_Coffee / HB3108_Pink / HB3108_Red Condition: Brand new Details: MATERIAL: NYLON LENGTH : 44CM WIDTH ...
Warning: C'mon guys!
You guys messing up with me. And so I'm messing up your life! As I said (and I think I've stated clearly that the fancam is ONLY for personal view. No re-upload is allowed. If you wanna share the video, why don't you link back to here? )
Due to this, I'm going to delete the link. You want the link, ask me. leave your email or whatsoever and I'll give you the link. Since the Megaupload attack, it's hard to share all these things on internet. So please! Please do save my life okay! Follow the rules! I don't need you to pay me for things you wanna download. ONLY one thing that I asked you for forever is NO RE-UPLOAD! Is it hard to do that?
Due to this, I'm going to delete the link. You want the link, ask me. leave your email or whatsoever and I'll give you the link. Since the Megaupload attack, it's hard to share all these things on internet. So please! Please do save my life okay! Follow the rules! I don't need you to pay me for things you wanna download. ONLY one thing that I asked you for forever is NO RE-UPLOAD! Is it hard to do that?
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
item-4-sale: #13 Bag [BM0022]
item-4-sale: #13 Bag [BM0022]: Code: BM0022_Black / BM0022_Brown / BM0022_White Condition: Brand new Details: Material: Artificial leather Lining: Fineness lining Widt...
A holiday for you
You deserve a romantic holiday with your loved one this Valentine's Day: Malaysia Airline Travel Fair is back. Book your ticket from 10 - 17 Feb 2012 and get the best deals to travel around the best destinations in Malaysia, SouthEast Asia and around the world.
Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!
Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!: Have you ever shared YouTube videos or interesting links with your friends? If yes, get paid for it!
We want you and your friends to get paid for sharing cool stuff.
SAYS is building a network with people like you who just love recommending good stuff to friends.
Every week we will give you something to recommend, we'll give you some money. The big idea is to get 1 million Malaysians in this network, that way all of us can benefit together.
To start things off, we're giving out bonus prizes, just for you to join!
We want you and your friends to get paid for sharing cool stuff.
SAYS is building a network with people like you who just love recommending good stuff to friends.
Every week we will give you something to recommend, we'll give you some money. The big idea is to get 1 million Malaysians in this network, that way all of us can benefit together.
To start things off, we're giving out bonus prizes, just for you to join!
item-4-sale: #12 Handbag [BS0166]
item-4-sale: #12 Handbag [BS0166]: Code: BS0166_Yellow / BS0166_RedPlum / BS0166_Black / BS0166_Beige Details: Material: Artificial Leather Lining: Fineness Lining Width: 2...
Friday, February 10, 2012
item-4-sale: #09 Handbag [CM0129]
item-4-sale: #09 Handbag [CM0129]: Click the picture to enlarge Code CM0129_Apricot / CM0129_Coffee / CM0129_Black Details: MATERIAL: PU LEATHER LENGTH: ± 40CM WIDTH : ...
Adv: Online Business
I've setup my online business. Basically this is due to Johnnys grandpa wants my money with the releasing of single + album + concert dvd at the same time. And together with my fandom got bigger too and well, should I say I want to do business ^^
So, do visit the page. Though it just a small one, but hoping sometime it'll grow.
>> HERE <<
Next! Ever heard bout Wazzub? I don't know either it's a scam or not but if you wanna try, its up to you. Nothing to lose actually. You don't have to pay in order to join the program. The only thing you gotta do is looking for others to sign up/ join the program using your personal link. That's all. If wanna try
>>> HERE <<<
Yoroshiku ne~
So, do visit the page. Though it just a small one, but hoping sometime it'll grow.
>> HERE <<
Next! Ever heard bout Wazzub? I don't know either it's a scam or not but if you wanna try, its up to you. Nothing to lose actually. You don't have to pay in order to join the program. The only thing you gotta do is looking for others to sign up/ join the program using your personal link. That's all. If wanna try
>>> HERE <<<
Yoroshiku ne~
Thursday, February 9, 2012
News: Jin x Meisa will get married


source: tokyohive | arama | fujitv
my 2 cents: am trying to stalk meisa's blog & twitter but found nothing. same goes to jin's twitter.
my another 2 cents: shall we celebrate it??? when will Oh-chan & Sho wants to get married???
update: official
rough translation: johnnys has made an official statement on Feb 09 saying both has registered their marriage last Feb 02 and currently are living together.
Here's the official statement from Kuroki herself. Visit Kuroki's Official facebook
Thursday, February 2, 2012
fancam: beautiful world
got something for you guys
Fancam of Beautiful World
Update: As of Feb 03
[Jun centric] Report of the Concert (with picture + mp3) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
note: i'll link back to the original site. you can watch/read/listen to it online there.
credit: original uploader/writer.
reminder: please! please! do not! do not ever take out the video/mp3/picture out from the original site.
Update: As of Feb 05
due to some people take out the video (especially solo) from the original site and claim it as their own.... should I say... gomen ne~ i'll leave the link to the report only. the rest, am going to delete.
Update: As of Feb 03
[Jun centric] Report of the Concert (with picture + mp3) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
credit: original uploader/writer.
reminder: please! please! do not! do not ever take out the video/mp3/picture out from the original site.
Update: As of Feb 05
due to some people take out the video (especially solo) from the original site and claim it as their own.... should I say... gomen ne~ i'll leave the link to the report only. the rest, am going to delete.
Monday, January 30, 2012
lots of drama this season. but i can't manage my time to watch them.
by the way, currently am downloading Camouflage 1st episode. i don't know if the story fits with me but... maaa lets' try it first.
tapi yang pasti, aku akan download citer The quiz show season 1. oh~! this is not the one yg Sho and Yokocho berlakon tu. yg tu season 2. and the storyline sama macam season 2. nothing different cuma pelakon jer yg lain. and somehow i do expect it will turn out to be great like season 2. nothing less XD
and anyone watch Lucky Seven? how was it? actually, tak terasa pun nak tengok lagi coz maybe sebab MatsuJun kot~ not that i hate him but... *sigh* same goes to Risou no Musuko. ramai yg ckap dat drama is great. of course, it is a comedy drama. and walaupun ada Taipi but still.... *sigh* i don't feel like watching both stories right now....
move to next, i can't wait for Nazo-Di Sp this March~ dan bulan March juga merupakan bulan untuk Liar Game the movie~~!!!!!!!!!
so... off to watch camouflage!
by the way, currently am downloading Camouflage 1st episode. i don't know if the story fits with me but... maaa lets' try it first.
tapi yang pasti, aku akan download citer The quiz show season 1. oh~! this is not the one yg Sho and Yokocho berlakon tu. yg tu season 2. and the storyline sama macam season 2. nothing different cuma pelakon jer yg lain. and somehow i do expect it will turn out to be great like season 2. nothing less XD
and anyone watch Lucky Seven? how was it? actually, tak terasa pun nak tengok lagi coz maybe sebab MatsuJun kot~ not that i hate him but... *sigh* same goes to Risou no Musuko. ramai yg ckap dat drama is great. of course, it is a comedy drama. and walaupun ada Taipi but still.... *sigh* i don't feel like watching both stories right now....
move to next, i can't wait for Nazo-Di Sp this March~ dan bulan March juga merupakan bulan untuk Liar Game the movie~~!!!!!!!!!
so... off to watch camouflage!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Playing this and here's the result:
-You are Black Koala who has purity and sweetness of a girl.
-And no matter how old you get, you can stay youthful.
-Your attitude is very straight forward and bald.
-You have quick mind, and a sharp instinct to read the other person's mind.
-You are an active woman.
-Nevertheless, you also possess a motherly character.
-You are kind and can show consideration to others.
-You tend to be rather argumentative, and will not accept something that is unreasonable.
-It takes time to gain your consent.
-You are independent, and has a challenging spirit to achieve your objectives and ideals.
-Once you start on something, you will not give up half way, or show weakness.
-You know how to get on in life, and are a calculative woman.
-Economic wise, you've got your feet steadily on the ground.
-You are rather suspicious type of person.
-You don't tend to take every word of other person straightly.
-You try to read behind the lines, very carefully.
-You tend to get lost in your thought.
-You think high of sports and training.
-Nevertheless, you also think a lot about art, and are a romantic sort of person.
-Even after you get married, you can be successful as a professional.
95% correct~! the red one kinda maaa~ hmmm... ^^
and riida got this
-You are Purple Monkey, who can make decisions with calm intelligence.
-You can put things in action that would lead to results.
-You have a personality that shows consideration for your fellow workers, your boss and those who are working under you.
-Before going on a vocation, you tend to collect all the information you can to go over the plan.
-You take time in preparing.
-But once you are decided, the rest follows smoothly.
-You dislike getting in conflict with people around you.
-You don't show your emotions to others, and build a rational, conservative and safe living environment.
-You have a sharp sensitivity and instinct.
-You have an excellent skill to read the other person's mind from just a key word.
-You are intelligent and full of knowledge.
-If a person you met is likely to become useful to you, that data is quickly stored in your mind.
-You possess perseverance to achieve your objective.
-You will not give in to obstacles.
-But you can not let others do your work.
-You are not suited to be a commander.
-You tend to be precise and orderly, so by facing people around you, you will be able to receive help.
the green one, somehow i remembered someone has said that.
-You are Black Koala who has purity and sweetness of a girl.
-And no matter how old you get, you can stay youthful.
-Your attitude is very straight forward and bald.
-You have quick mind, and a sharp instinct to read the other person's mind.
-You are an active woman.
-Nevertheless, you also possess a motherly character.
-You are kind and can show consideration to others.
-You tend to be rather argumentative, and will not accept something that is unreasonable.
-It takes time to gain your consent.
-You are independent, and has a challenging spirit to achieve your objectives and ideals.
-Once you start on something, you will not give up half way, or show weakness.
-You know how to get on in life, and are a calculative woman.
-Economic wise, you've got your feet steadily on the ground.
-You are rather suspicious type of person.
-You don't tend to take every word of other person straightly.
-You try to read behind the lines, very carefully.
-You tend to get lost in your thought.
-You think high of sports and training.
-Nevertheless, you also think a lot about art, and are a romantic sort of person.
-Even after you get married, you can be successful as a professional.
95% correct~! the red one kinda maaa~ hmmm... ^^
and riida got this
-You are Purple Monkey, who can make decisions with calm intelligence.
-You can put things in action that would lead to results.
-You have a personality that shows consideration for your fellow workers, your boss and those who are working under you.
-Before going on a vocation, you tend to collect all the information you can to go over the plan.
-You take time in preparing.
-But once you are decided, the rest follows smoothly.
-You dislike getting in conflict with people around you.
-You don't show your emotions to others, and build a rational, conservative and safe living environment.
-You have a sharp sensitivity and instinct.
-You have an excellent skill to read the other person's mind from just a key word.
-You are intelligent and full of knowledge.
-If a person you met is likely to become useful to you, that data is quickly stored in your mind.
-You possess perseverance to achieve your objective.
-You will not give in to obstacles.
-But you can not let others do your work.
-You are not suited to be a commander.
-You tend to be precise and orderly, so by facing people around you, you will be able to receive help.
the green one, somehow i remembered someone has said that.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Ni nak cerita bukan pasal nak buka aib seseorang yang aku kenal, tak. Jauh sekali untuk mengata. cuma aku sekadar tertanya kenapa dia sanggup buat mcm tu.
Kat rumah aku ada 5 ekor kucing. All of them are stray cats. tp for sure la kitorang bagi makan. if not us, jiran pun bagi jugak. tapi aku tak apa salah kucing tu sampai ada seorang hamba Allah ni benci sangat pada kucing. Hamba Allah ni boleh dikatakan alim la jgk. Jaga solat, selalu pergi masjid setiap waktu... tapi serius cakap, bila bab dengan kucing, di jd lg kejam banding dengan orang yg xde la alim sangat. aku bukan persoalkan dia pasal alim ke tak or dalam erti kata lain aku bkan nak cakap " baik tak payah jd alim kalau perangai mengalahkan orang yg xckup solat @ x selalu pg masjid". aku bukan nak persoalkan tentang tu. itu hal lain.
yang aku nak persoalkan adalah kenapa dia jd mcm tu. ada satu ketika, dia ternampak ada seseorang (katakan si A) kaut buah dari pokok rumah seseorang (si B). so, hamba Allah ni pun assume la si A ni td mencuri and macam2 lagi la. and aku yg ketika tu ada bersama dengan hamba Allah ni mmg dh pnas la telinga. and so aku pun cakap "Xbaik tuduh mcm tu. mana kita tau si B dh bg kebenaran pd si A untuk kaut buah tu. Xbaik tuduh2, nnti boleh jd fitnah. DOSA~". aku trus ckap mcm tu straight to the point dgn nada yg agk tegas la jgk. n so, hamba Allah ni pun trus terdiam. n mmg lpas tu aku rs bersalah sgt sbb tgur dgn cara mcm tu tp jujur aku ckp, aku xde niat untuk malukan dia dpn org yg dikenali. n sjak drpd tu, aku mmg takut nk tgur lg coz aku xnk ada rs bersalah dlm diri aku.
n back to psal kucing ni. sjak dr kes tu (kes aku tgur dia), dia mmg anti dengan kucing. aku suka kucing. kdg2 aku bwk kucing2 ni masuk makan kat dalam if cuaca panas. tp apa dia buat? time aku xde, dia halau kucing2 tu keluar (n ada ketika tendang, sepak, baling n normally berlaku ketika aku xde di rumah). n siap bg kata dua pada aku, if bawak kucing masuk, dia akan buang kucing tu. kdg2 mmg nk je aku ckp, Rasulullah pun sayang pada kucing sehingga ada satu ketika seekor kucing tidur atas serban/jubah baginda, baginda memotong sebahagian serban/jubah semata-mata xnak ganggu kucing tu. inikan pulak hamba Allah ni.
sehinggalah ada satu ketika aku ada terbaca mengenai persoalan kenapa org yg alim slalunya pengotor berbanding dengan orang yg x alim. jujur benda ni sbnrnye mmg berlaku dlm hidup aku. rmai org yg aku jmpa macm tu. n apa yg motivator ni cakap, "kemungkinan besar solatnya ada yg tak kena"... sepatutnya, kalau org tu btul2 alim (dlm erti kata lain, jg segala tingkah laku, solat, pakaian, etc) nescaya dia juga dpt mempratikkan amaln tersebut dlm kehidupan hariannya. so, aku slalu pujuk hati aku ni (aku mmg syg sgt kat haiwan lepas tgk TSD ^^ ), doa lah yg terbaik untuk dia. walaupun kdg2 dlm hati aku ni aku mmg nk jer cakap "xgna p masjid if perangai kalahkan haiwan" *sigh*
~sabar wahai hati~
Insya-Allah, Allah akn buka pintu hati hamba Allah ni untuk sayangi haiwan. Doakanlah yg terbaik untuk dia.
Kat rumah aku ada 5 ekor kucing. All of them are stray cats. tp for sure la kitorang bagi makan. if not us, jiran pun bagi jugak. tapi aku tak apa salah kucing tu sampai ada seorang hamba Allah ni benci sangat pada kucing. Hamba Allah ni boleh dikatakan alim la jgk. Jaga solat, selalu pergi masjid setiap waktu... tapi serius cakap, bila bab dengan kucing, di jd lg kejam banding dengan orang yg xde la alim sangat. aku bukan persoalkan dia pasal alim ke tak or dalam erti kata lain aku bkan nak cakap " baik tak payah jd alim kalau perangai mengalahkan orang yg xckup solat @ x selalu pg masjid". aku bukan nak persoalkan tentang tu. itu hal lain.
yang aku nak persoalkan adalah kenapa dia jd mcm tu. ada satu ketika, dia ternampak ada seseorang (katakan si A) kaut buah dari pokok rumah seseorang (si B). so, hamba Allah ni pun assume la si A ni td mencuri and macam2 lagi la. and aku yg ketika tu ada bersama dengan hamba Allah ni mmg dh pnas la telinga. and so aku pun cakap "Xbaik tuduh mcm tu. mana kita tau si B dh bg kebenaran pd si A untuk kaut buah tu. Xbaik tuduh2, nnti boleh jd fitnah. DOSA~". aku trus ckap mcm tu straight to the point dgn nada yg agk tegas la jgk. n so, hamba Allah ni pun trus terdiam. n mmg lpas tu aku rs bersalah sgt sbb tgur dgn cara mcm tu tp jujur aku ckp, aku xde niat untuk malukan dia dpn org yg dikenali. n sjak drpd tu, aku mmg takut nk tgur lg coz aku xnk ada rs bersalah dlm diri aku.
n back to psal kucing ni. sjak dr kes tu (kes aku tgur dia), dia mmg anti dengan kucing. aku suka kucing. kdg2 aku bwk kucing2 ni masuk makan kat dalam if cuaca panas. tp apa dia buat? time aku xde, dia halau kucing2 tu keluar (n ada ketika tendang, sepak, baling n normally berlaku ketika aku xde di rumah). n siap bg kata dua pada aku, if bawak kucing masuk, dia akan buang kucing tu. kdg2 mmg nk je aku ckp, Rasulullah pun sayang pada kucing sehingga ada satu ketika seekor kucing tidur atas serban/jubah baginda, baginda memotong sebahagian serban/jubah semata-mata xnak ganggu kucing tu. inikan pulak hamba Allah ni.
sehinggalah ada satu ketika aku ada terbaca mengenai persoalan kenapa org yg alim slalunya pengotor berbanding dengan orang yg x alim. jujur benda ni sbnrnye mmg berlaku dlm hidup aku. rmai org yg aku jmpa macm tu. n apa yg motivator ni cakap, "kemungkinan besar solatnya ada yg tak kena"... sepatutnya, kalau org tu btul2 alim (dlm erti kata lain, jg segala tingkah laku, solat, pakaian, etc) nescaya dia juga dpt mempratikkan amaln tersebut dlm kehidupan hariannya. so, aku slalu pujuk hati aku ni (aku mmg syg sgt kat haiwan lepas tgk TSD ^^ ), doa lah yg terbaik untuk dia. walaupun kdg2 dlm hati aku ni aku mmg nk jer cakap "xgna p masjid if perangai kalahkan haiwan" *sigh*
~sabar wahai hati~
Insya-Allah, Allah akn buka pintu hati hamba Allah ni untuk sayangi haiwan. Doakanlah yg terbaik untuk dia.
Ah~ not to forget,
お誕生日おめでとう 翔ちゃん~!!!
お誕生日おめでとう 翔ちゃん~!!!
Another news to celebrate
Continuing from this post: HERE
Source: HERE
My 2 cents: Good Job US! Good job! For sure my country will be one of your supporter. They had plan it since last year but due to some circumstances, it didn't work. After this, the internet service provider will closed down. or should I say users will buy the cheapest plan for internet. There's no point buying the expensive one coz they can't download anything from internet. Good job guys! Good job!
A side note: I've found this site. It makes my day ^^ I wish I can go there a.s.a.p~~
Source: HERE
My 2 cents: Good Job US! Good job! For sure my country will be one of your supporter. They had plan it since last year but due to some circumstances, it didn't work. After this, the internet service provider will closed down. or should I say users will buy the cheapest plan for internet. There's no point buying the expensive one coz they can't download anything from internet. Good job guys! Good job!
A side note: I've found this site. It makes my day ^^ I wish I can go there a.s.a.p~~
Friday, January 20, 2012
Announcement: Megaupload is Closed
Just a quick announcement:
Right now, Megaupload has been taken down due to piracy issues which is mean ALL of the files that have been uploaded to Megaupload... should I say, you can't save it or LOST.
I don't know if it is related to SOPA/PIPA but as far as I know, the workers who worked there have been apprehended by FBI this morning (Malaysia's time).
With that said... no upload and download for the time being(with that means the download page will be down- i don't want to be in jail 'kay~). Lets wait for all of these stuffs back to normal.
My 2cents: Now MU, next MF, later? How bout shutting down ALL of the file hosting as ALL of them got illegal content uploaded there too ^^
Note: After the attack, the file will be upload to mediafire, rapidshare and wupload.
More info: HERE
Right now, Megaupload has been taken down due to piracy issues which is mean ALL of the files that have been uploaded to Megaupload... should I say, you can't save it or LOST.
I don't know if it is related to SOPA/PIPA but as far as I know, the workers who worked there have been apprehended by FBI this morning (Malaysia's time).
With that said... no upload and download for the time being
My 2cents: Now MU, next MF, later? How bout shutting down ALL of the file hosting as ALL of them got illegal content uploaded there too ^^
Note: After the attack, the file will be upload to mediafire, rapidshare and wupload.
More info: HERE
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
my new lappy's wallpaper
Ada yang cakap saya great in Japanese. tapi yang sebetulnya, saya masih lagi belajar. last year punya azam untuk habis belajar Japanese belum tercapai. まだまだ勉強中ですよ:-) (there's still more to learn). so, tu je ^^ am great at some basic words. tapi terpaksa dengar berulang-ulang kali, baru boleh faham. selain tu kena juga selalu praktis the pronunciation.
and there's one simple step on how to master Japanese in a short time
STAY IN JAPAN! ^^ <--- my wish for almost 3 years
riyuu wa?
once you dalam keadaan terdesak, anything you can do without hesitation. and so, once you berada di Jepun, nak tak nak you kena belajar bahasa Jepun. (there's no other choice coz Japanese are proud of their language not like us)
but for me, saya belajar bahasa Jepun dengan praktis the pronunciation first. then, barulah menulis (hiragana & katakana)... then barulah grammar and finally, the kanji.
tapi sekarang, baru je sampai 2nd step XDD
the other way, saya banyakkan dengar lagu-lagu Jepun (get the romaji lyrics), dan tonton Japanese program show (on internet) without subtitle (and then guessing what are they talked bout)
That's how i learned the language till now.
thus, pada siapa-siapa yang nak belajar bahasa, gud luck and never ever give up.
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