Monday, March 19, 2012

Liar Game: Saisei SP

 I just finished watching Liar Game Reborn SP. Ok, at first I thought it was a movie but it's not (blame me for not read it right). So the SP is some kind of like a teaser of a movie. For me, it just show the start of the movie.
This time, it only focus on Fukunaga (the mushroom hair dude) and Yokoya (the white hair guy in season 2). Both fight in one-on-one battle and it calls the Taboo Game. Since my Japanese is limited, I just happened to caught only 30% of the show plus the show itself fulls of tricks (that's makes my brain comes dizzy and it stops functioning)

 Fukunaga and Yokoya

 Ashida Mana (honestly she looks tired)

Who can forget this dude???

So, that's all. I need to sleep like right now. Haha. Jaa ne~


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