Friday, August 13, 2010

Aizdean 「もう一度・・・」 MUSIC CLIP

ok, let's forget about the *^&&% thing [ you know what I mean]

so, rite now, I really need help from those who live in Japan, or Japanese people out there or anyone who know lots about Jpop [always keep up-to-date with the music industry, alert with anything related to Jpop]. I want to ask you guys these questions

1:: Do you guys know new artist name Aizdean (he's Malaysian but become an artist in Japan)
2:: How does his album going so far??? I didn't mean anything. I'm just asking as I want to know lots about him. [Less info and just started to like his song]

So, help me~~!!

T/N: I featured his PV called Mou Ichido
credit: hudsonmusicentertainment



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