Saturday, September 25, 2010

The way I'm going to choose...

it's almost 4am and i'm still awake. not in the mood of sleeping since I've lots of project that i want to settle down. but yeah... need to wait the translator to done her jobs before i do my part. actually, around 9am i'm going to attend the interview (Quality Engineering) at one of the company but i decide not to attend it. reason? i choose my future and i want to end up to be a translator since i like that job if compared to QE. well, most must be asking whether that job can be the long-term one and i said yes if you like that job and you know what to do if you facing any troubles. though i;m going to start as a part-time but i'll change it to full-time if I've the certificate. maybe by next year, waiting for it!



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