Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Arashi 10-11Tour "Scene" Concert News Report

Posting all about their latest concert news report:
link 3 [News Zero] --> damn Sho-kun *kawaii*

link 8 [Asazuba] --> at first, the video works but then, around after 30 seconds, audio and video
doesn't synchronize.. sorry
and! yes! you don't heard it wrong. they perform Love Rainbow live~!!!!!

link 10 [ZOOM IN! Super!] --> Juntoshi's moment~!!!!


hate of clicking the link one by one? below is the combination of all news (not all of them~! around 3 maybe~?)

yes! that's it! want more??? i don't find any~! ^.^

credit: all to the owner *applause*



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