Thursday, August 4, 2011

Update: Arashi + Kanjani8

follow from this post and this post

going to give some spoiler /wahaha

first! they gonna have the talk. and the stage... since there are 10 people in that small stage, the staff use the 8+2 style = MSta style
(Tacchon & Yassu at the back)

next! we will have a game~!!! and i can't remember what it calls /sweat

next! the Johnnys tradition~!!!! Johnny's Intro Quiz Game!!!!
(looks like Jun & Yoko win)

lastly~!!! not-to-forget... lets have a picture!!!!
(as i said, the omiyage must be the t-shirt)

that's all. we will see this epic episode on next week


jaaa~ /bye/bye/bye



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