Monday, April 4, 2011

the shitty shit shitty~

what the hell am i writing that sh*&% title like that. well, actually this is the truth when the K*&^ wave is here. yeah~ i'm J*&^ biased. so? but i DO sometimes listen to K*&^ though the songs nothing much less than American-style (yeah~ copy-cat!!!! and Malaysian like that cause we love the pirate, not original~ yeah!!! ^.^)

but i keep on wondering. WHAT THE HELL ALL K*&&*^$s WANT TO DEBUT IN JAPAN??? now there's one group who so-called the-much-better-than-exile-and-akb48 who gonna debut in JAPAN. why JAPAN? why not your own love country? why JAPAN? WHY?????

come on! debut first in your own country!

ok, basically i write this cause of one reason. (hell yeah i'm J-biased!) and there's one local newspaper review the upcoming movie (G^$#@) and, ok... i watched it already and i give them 3.5 stars. yeah, i know i'm not that the so-called-great reviewers cause i don't know what is the so-called a great movie. but hey! no one will have the same taste of movie as you, okay? BUT, if compare to local movie... sorry to say... i only watched 3 local movies since i was born 24 years ago~ suprised?? better not as I DON'T LIKE THESE SO-CALLED GREAT MOVIE. why??? reason: ALL OF THE MOVIES ITSELF ALWAYS RELATED TO LOVE, LOVE & LOVE. and the other one... ALL OF THE MOVIES ITSELF IS ABOUT GHOST, GHOST & GHOST. come one~ no ideas left in your great brain????


dyanamastor said...

first of all, the new layout is cool, girl!!
2nd, i try to think again whose blog is this when i read the 1st paragraph of this entry heheheh...
anyway...huhuhu....akak xsuka Kpop...pendek citer...sajer je gatal nak komen (~_^)

yamabuzz said...

haha~ kpop sengal wlupun saya lyn kpop. hehe. ada la 1/2 band yg okay. yg len mcm hampeh. xde identity.


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