lots of drama this season. but i can't manage my time to watch them.
by the way, currently am downloading Camouflage 1st episode. i don't know if the story fits with me but... maaa lets' try it first.
tapi yang pasti, aku akan download citer The quiz show season 1. oh~! this is not the one yg Sho and Yokocho berlakon tu. yg tu season 2. and the storyline sama macam season 2. nothing different cuma pelakon jer yg lain. and somehow i do expect it will turn out to be great like season 2. nothing less XD
and anyone watch Lucky Seven? how was it? actually, tak terasa pun nak tengok lagi coz maybe sebab MatsuJun kot~ not that i hate him but... *sigh* same goes to Risou no Musuko. ramai yg ckap dat drama is great. of course, it is a comedy drama. and walaupun ada Taipi but still.... *sigh* i don't feel like watching both stories right now....
move to next, i can't wait for Nazo-Di Sp this March~ dan bulan March juga merupakan bulan untuk Liar Game the movie~~!!!!!!!!!
so... off to watch camouflage!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Playing this and here's the result:
-You are Black Koala who has purity and sweetness of a girl.
-And no matter how old you get, you can stay youthful.
-Your attitude is very straight forward and bald.
-You have quick mind, and a sharp instinct to read the other person's mind.
-You are an active woman.
-Nevertheless, you also possess a motherly character.
-You are kind and can show consideration to others.
-You tend to be rather argumentative, and will not accept something that is unreasonable.
-It takes time to gain your consent.
-You are independent, and has a challenging spirit to achieve your objectives and ideals.
-Once you start on something, you will not give up half way, or show weakness.
-You know how to get on in life, and are a calculative woman.
-Economic wise, you've got your feet steadily on the ground.
-You are rather suspicious type of person.
-You don't tend to take every word of other person straightly.
-You try to read behind the lines, very carefully.
-You tend to get lost in your thought.
-You think high of sports and training.
-Nevertheless, you also think a lot about art, and are a romantic sort of person.
-Even after you get married, you can be successful as a professional.
95% correct~! the red one kinda maaa~ hmmm... ^^
and riida got this
-You are Purple Monkey, who can make decisions with calm intelligence.
-You can put things in action that would lead to results.
-You have a personality that shows consideration for your fellow workers, your boss and those who are working under you.
-Before going on a vocation, you tend to collect all the information you can to go over the plan.
-You take time in preparing.
-But once you are decided, the rest follows smoothly.
-You dislike getting in conflict with people around you.
-You don't show your emotions to others, and build a rational, conservative and safe living environment.
-You have a sharp sensitivity and instinct.
-You have an excellent skill to read the other person's mind from just a key word.
-You are intelligent and full of knowledge.
-If a person you met is likely to become useful to you, that data is quickly stored in your mind.
-You possess perseverance to achieve your objective.
-You will not give in to obstacles.
-But you can not let others do your work.
-You are not suited to be a commander.
-You tend to be precise and orderly, so by facing people around you, you will be able to receive help.
the green one, somehow i remembered someone has said that.
-You are Black Koala who has purity and sweetness of a girl.
-And no matter how old you get, you can stay youthful.
-Your attitude is very straight forward and bald.
-You have quick mind, and a sharp instinct to read the other person's mind.
-You are an active woman.
-Nevertheless, you also possess a motherly character.
-You are kind and can show consideration to others.
-You tend to be rather argumentative, and will not accept something that is unreasonable.
-It takes time to gain your consent.
-You are independent, and has a challenging spirit to achieve your objectives and ideals.
-Once you start on something, you will not give up half way, or show weakness.
-You know how to get on in life, and are a calculative woman.
-Economic wise, you've got your feet steadily on the ground.
-You are rather suspicious type of person.
-You don't tend to take every word of other person straightly.
-You try to read behind the lines, very carefully.
-You tend to get lost in your thought.
-You think high of sports and training.
-Nevertheless, you also think a lot about art, and are a romantic sort of person.
-Even after you get married, you can be successful as a professional.
95% correct~! the red one kinda maaa~ hmmm... ^^
and riida got this
-You are Purple Monkey, who can make decisions with calm intelligence.
-You can put things in action that would lead to results.
-You have a personality that shows consideration for your fellow workers, your boss and those who are working under you.
-Before going on a vocation, you tend to collect all the information you can to go over the plan.
-You take time in preparing.
-But once you are decided, the rest follows smoothly.
-You dislike getting in conflict with people around you.
-You don't show your emotions to others, and build a rational, conservative and safe living environment.
-You have a sharp sensitivity and instinct.
-You have an excellent skill to read the other person's mind from just a key word.
-You are intelligent and full of knowledge.
-If a person you met is likely to become useful to you, that data is quickly stored in your mind.
-You possess perseverance to achieve your objective.
-You will not give in to obstacles.
-But you can not let others do your work.
-You are not suited to be a commander.
-You tend to be precise and orderly, so by facing people around you, you will be able to receive help.
the green one, somehow i remembered someone has said that.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Ni nak cerita bukan pasal nak buka aib seseorang yang aku kenal, tak. Jauh sekali untuk mengata. cuma aku sekadar tertanya kenapa dia sanggup buat mcm tu.
Kat rumah aku ada 5 ekor kucing. All of them are stray cats. tp for sure la kitorang bagi makan. if not us, jiran pun bagi jugak. tapi aku tak apa salah kucing tu sampai ada seorang hamba Allah ni benci sangat pada kucing. Hamba Allah ni boleh dikatakan alim la jgk. Jaga solat, selalu pergi masjid setiap waktu... tapi serius cakap, bila bab dengan kucing, di jd lg kejam banding dengan orang yg xde la alim sangat. aku bukan persoalkan dia pasal alim ke tak or dalam erti kata lain aku bkan nak cakap " baik tak payah jd alim kalau perangai mengalahkan orang yg xckup solat @ x selalu pg masjid". aku bukan nak persoalkan tentang tu. itu hal lain.
yang aku nak persoalkan adalah kenapa dia jd mcm tu. ada satu ketika, dia ternampak ada seseorang (katakan si A) kaut buah dari pokok rumah seseorang (si B). so, hamba Allah ni pun assume la si A ni td mencuri and macam2 lagi la. and aku yg ketika tu ada bersama dengan hamba Allah ni mmg dh pnas la telinga. and so aku pun cakap "Xbaik tuduh mcm tu. mana kita tau si B dh bg kebenaran pd si A untuk kaut buah tu. Xbaik tuduh2, nnti boleh jd fitnah. DOSA~". aku trus ckap mcm tu straight to the point dgn nada yg agk tegas la jgk. n so, hamba Allah ni pun trus terdiam. n mmg lpas tu aku rs bersalah sgt sbb tgur dgn cara mcm tu tp jujur aku ckp, aku xde niat untuk malukan dia dpn org yg dikenali. n sjak drpd tu, aku mmg takut nk tgur lg coz aku xnk ada rs bersalah dlm diri aku.
n back to psal kucing ni. sjak dr kes tu (kes aku tgur dia), dia mmg anti dengan kucing. aku suka kucing. kdg2 aku bwk kucing2 ni masuk dalam.bg makan kat dalam if cuaca panas. tp apa dia buat? time aku xde, dia halau kucing2 tu keluar (n ada ketika tendang, sepak, baling n normally berlaku ketika aku xde di rumah). n siap bg kata dua pada aku, if bawak kucing masuk, dia akan buang kucing tu. kdg2 mmg nk je aku ckp, Rasulullah pun sayang pada kucing sehingga ada satu ketika seekor kucing tidur atas serban/jubah baginda, baginda memotong sebahagian serban/jubah semata-mata xnak ganggu kucing tu. inikan pulak hamba Allah ni.
sehinggalah ada satu ketika aku ada terbaca mengenai persoalan kenapa org yg alim slalunya pengotor berbanding dengan orang yg x alim. jujur benda ni sbnrnye mmg berlaku dlm hidup aku. rmai org yg aku jmpa macm tu. n apa yg motivator ni cakap, "kemungkinan besar solatnya ada yg tak kena"... sepatutnya, kalau org tu btul2 alim (dlm erti kata lain, jg segala tingkah laku, solat, pakaian, etc) nescaya dia juga dpt mempratikkan amaln tersebut dlm kehidupan hariannya. so, aku slalu pujuk hati aku ni (aku mmg syg sgt kat haiwan lepas tgk TSD ^^ ), doa lah yg terbaik untuk dia. walaupun kdg2 dlm hati aku ni aku mmg nk jer cakap "xgna p masjid if perangai kalahkan haiwan" *sigh*
~sabar wahai hati~
Insya-Allah, Allah akn buka pintu hati hamba Allah ni untuk sayangi haiwan. Doakanlah yg terbaik untuk dia.
Kat rumah aku ada 5 ekor kucing. All of them are stray cats. tp for sure la kitorang bagi makan. if not us, jiran pun bagi jugak. tapi aku tak apa salah kucing tu sampai ada seorang hamba Allah ni benci sangat pada kucing. Hamba Allah ni boleh dikatakan alim la jgk. Jaga solat, selalu pergi masjid setiap waktu... tapi serius cakap, bila bab dengan kucing, di jd lg kejam banding dengan orang yg xde la alim sangat. aku bukan persoalkan dia pasal alim ke tak or dalam erti kata lain aku bkan nak cakap " baik tak payah jd alim kalau perangai mengalahkan orang yg xckup solat @ x selalu pg masjid". aku bukan nak persoalkan tentang tu. itu hal lain.
yang aku nak persoalkan adalah kenapa dia jd mcm tu. ada satu ketika, dia ternampak ada seseorang (katakan si A) kaut buah dari pokok rumah seseorang (si B). so, hamba Allah ni pun assume la si A ni td mencuri and macam2 lagi la. and aku yg ketika tu ada bersama dengan hamba Allah ni mmg dh pnas la telinga. and so aku pun cakap "Xbaik tuduh mcm tu. mana kita tau si B dh bg kebenaran pd si A untuk kaut buah tu. Xbaik tuduh2, nnti boleh jd fitnah. DOSA~". aku trus ckap mcm tu straight to the point dgn nada yg agk tegas la jgk. n so, hamba Allah ni pun trus terdiam. n mmg lpas tu aku rs bersalah sgt sbb tgur dgn cara mcm tu tp jujur aku ckp, aku xde niat untuk malukan dia dpn org yg dikenali. n sjak drpd tu, aku mmg takut nk tgur lg coz aku xnk ada rs bersalah dlm diri aku.
n back to psal kucing ni. sjak dr kes tu (kes aku tgur dia), dia mmg anti dengan kucing. aku suka kucing. kdg2 aku bwk kucing2 ni masuk dalam.bg makan kat dalam if cuaca panas. tp apa dia buat? time aku xde, dia halau kucing2 tu keluar (n ada ketika tendang, sepak, baling n normally berlaku ketika aku xde di rumah). n siap bg kata dua pada aku, if bawak kucing masuk, dia akan buang kucing tu. kdg2 mmg nk je aku ckp, Rasulullah pun sayang pada kucing sehingga ada satu ketika seekor kucing tidur atas serban/jubah baginda, baginda memotong sebahagian serban/jubah semata-mata xnak ganggu kucing tu. inikan pulak hamba Allah ni.
sehinggalah ada satu ketika aku ada terbaca mengenai persoalan kenapa org yg alim slalunya pengotor berbanding dengan orang yg x alim. jujur benda ni sbnrnye mmg berlaku dlm hidup aku. rmai org yg aku jmpa macm tu. n apa yg motivator ni cakap, "kemungkinan besar solatnya ada yg tak kena"... sepatutnya, kalau org tu btul2 alim (dlm erti kata lain, jg segala tingkah laku, solat, pakaian, etc) nescaya dia juga dpt mempratikkan amaln tersebut dlm kehidupan hariannya. so, aku slalu pujuk hati aku ni (aku mmg syg sgt kat haiwan lepas tgk TSD ^^ ), doa lah yg terbaik untuk dia. walaupun kdg2 dlm hati aku ni aku mmg nk jer cakap "xgna p masjid if perangai kalahkan haiwan" *sigh*
~sabar wahai hati~
Insya-Allah, Allah akn buka pintu hati hamba Allah ni untuk sayangi haiwan. Doakanlah yg terbaik untuk dia.
Ah~ not to forget,
お誕生日おめでとう 翔ちゃん~!!!
お誕生日おめでとう 翔ちゃん~!!!
Another news to celebrate
Continuing from this post: HERE
Source: HERE
My 2 cents: Good Job US! Good job! For sure my country will be one of your supporter. They had plan it since last year but due to some circumstances, it didn't work. After this, the internet service provider will closed down. or should I say users will buy the cheapest plan for internet. There's no point buying the expensive one coz they can't download anything from internet. Good job guys! Good job!
A side note: I've found this site. It makes my day ^^ I wish I can go there a.s.a.p~~
Source: HERE
My 2 cents: Good Job US! Good job! For sure my country will be one of your supporter. They had plan it since last year but due to some circumstances, it didn't work. After this, the internet service provider will closed down. or should I say users will buy the cheapest plan for internet. There's no point buying the expensive one coz they can't download anything from internet. Good job guys! Good job!
A side note: I've found this site. It makes my day ^^ I wish I can go there a.s.a.p~~
Friday, January 20, 2012
Announcement: Megaupload is Closed
Just a quick announcement:
Right now, Megaupload has been taken down due to piracy issues which is mean ALL of the files that have been uploaded to Megaupload... should I say, you can't save it or LOST.
I don't know if it is related to SOPA/PIPA but as far as I know, the workers who worked there have been apprehended by FBI this morning (Malaysia's time).
With that said... no upload and download for the time being(with that means the download page will be down- i don't want to be in jail 'kay~). Lets wait for all of these stuffs back to normal.
My 2cents: Now MU, next MF, later? How bout shutting down ALL of the file hosting as ALL of them got illegal content uploaded there too ^^
Note: After the attack, the file will be upload to mediafire, rapidshare and wupload.
More info: HERE
Right now, Megaupload has been taken down due to piracy issues which is mean ALL of the files that have been uploaded to Megaupload... should I say, you can't save it or LOST.
I don't know if it is related to SOPA/PIPA but as far as I know, the workers who worked there have been apprehended by FBI this morning (Malaysia's time).
With that said... no upload and download for the time being
My 2cents: Now MU, next MF, later? How bout shutting down ALL of the file hosting as ALL of them got illegal content uploaded there too ^^
Note: After the attack, the file will be upload to mediafire, rapidshare and wupload.
More info: HERE
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
my new lappy's wallpaper
Ada yang cakap saya great in Japanese. tapi yang sebetulnya, saya masih lagi belajar. last year punya azam untuk habis belajar Japanese belum tercapai. まだまだ勉強中ですよ:-) (there's still more to learn). so, tu je ^^ am great at some basic words. tapi terpaksa dengar berulang-ulang kali, baru boleh faham. selain tu kena juga selalu praktis the pronunciation.
and there's one simple step on how to master Japanese in a short time
STAY IN JAPAN! ^^ <--- my wish for almost 3 years
riyuu wa?
once you dalam keadaan terdesak, anything you can do without hesitation. and so, once you berada di Jepun, nak tak nak you kena belajar bahasa Jepun. (there's no other choice coz Japanese are proud of their language not like us)
but for me, saya belajar bahasa Jepun dengan praktis the pronunciation first. then, barulah menulis (hiragana & katakana)... then barulah grammar and finally, the kanji.
tapi sekarang, baru je sampai 2nd step XDD
the other way, saya banyakkan dengar lagu-lagu Jepun (get the romaji lyrics), dan tonton Japanese program show (on internet) without subtitle (and then guessing what are they talked bout)
That's how i learned the language till now.
thus, pada siapa-siapa yang nak belajar bahasa, gud luck and never ever give up.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Adv: Let's learn Japanese (NHK)
For those who wants to learn Japanese, I recommended this file. The file is quite big. Each (file) is around 250mb. Have 3 parts and each part got 7 files (maximum).
A note: This video is called "Let's learn Japanese". It is actually a video-based program specially design for English speaker to learn Japanese produced by The Japan Foundation. More info here.
Part 1 (Episode 1-18)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Part 2 (Episode 19-36)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Part 3 (Episode 37-52)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
password: langacademy.net
I don't know if it works for you guys, but it works for me. Just download all the files, unzip it and watch it. And it is better to download not just the video or the book only but both so that you know what are they talking. And no worries, the video and book comes with English translation.
Happy learning! ^^
A note: This video is called "Let's learn Japanese". It is actually a video-based program specially design for English speaker to learn Japanese produced by The Japan Foundation. More info here.
Part 1 (Episode 1-18)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Part 2 (Episode 19-36)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Part 3 (Episode 37-52)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
password: langacademy.net
I don't know if it works for you guys, but it works for me. Just download all the files, unzip it and watch it. And it is better to download not just the video or the book only but both so that you know what are they talking. And no worries, the video and book comes with English translation.
Happy learning! ^^
Friday, January 6, 2012
Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...
Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...: The fight for survival is a daily battle for refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia. Coming from countries such as Burma, refugees are forced to flee from their homelands in pursuit of safety from oppressive conditions such as confiscation of homes, forced labor, systematic rape and torture. However, their efforts to gain freedom in Malaysia are short-lived due to discrimination from local employers. Refugees and asylum seekers work in situations where they face verbal and physical abuse from employers, low/unpaid wages, and long working hours in exploitative conditions. Question is, where is the humanity in all of this?Agree to stand up against forced labor and human trafficking by signing a Petition Letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia today! Petition available here : http://chn.ge/heimalaysiapetition
Save wildlife, report crimes to the Wildlife Crime Hotline!
Save wildlife, report crimes to the Wildlife Crime Hotline!: You’re on a leisurely day out, strolling along a street in Malaysia... Suddenly – “Hallo, nak beli gigi harimau? Kuku harimau? Kalau pakai banyak ‘ong’!”
You’re stunned for a moment… people are still killing our wild tigers just because of superstitious beliefs? What can you do to stop this?
Call the 24-hour Wildlife Crime Hotline* 019 356 4194 and help the authorities put tiger traders behind bars! Reports are instantly channelled to them for action!
The tiger in the above scenario could very possibly be replaced by tortoises, pangolins, bears, leopards, orang utans and more, but the number to call is the same.
Imagine thousands, or even millions of Malaysians keeping their eyes out for illegal activities, whether in markets, pet shops, restaurants, or even on the internet!! Where will all the baddies hide?
Under the new Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, criminals face much higher penalties, for example convicted tiger poachers / traders / consumers will be fined minimum RM100,000 and jailed up to five years.
*The hotline is only applicable in Peninsular Malaysia.
What information is needed?**
What crime took place? (poaching, smuggling, selling, keeping as a pet)
Where did it happen? (address, shop name, landmarks)
When did it take place? (date & time)
**Images or video footage may assist investigations
It's time to be on the prowl for wildlife traders!
LAST CALL to eligible candidates for The Job, a new reality show! Only 2 spots left… Send in your resumé now!
LAST CALL to eligible candidates for The Job, a new reality show! Only 2 spots left… Send in your resumé now!: Only 2 spots left for The Job - a brand new reality TV show. Closing date: this Sunday, 8th January 2012. The winner will walk away with a complete career package, a postgraduate scholarship and RM 15,000 in cash. Email your resume now to thejob.8tv@gmail.com while you still can!
Know anyone who just completed their SPM? Let them know about SEGi Scholarships!
Know anyone who just completed their SPM? Let them know about SEGi Scholarships!: SEGi University College is holding its Open Day on the 14th and 15 January 2012! Meet the Deans, tour the campus, discuss your study options with experienced counselors and preview the courses available. Register with SEGi during the Open Day and enjoy a rebate of RM500 AND, for those students joining the January or February intake, stand a chance to win an iPad 2 or iPod Shuffle. Get a foretaste of college life at SEGi this January!
Monday, January 2, 2012

Highlight for episode 9:
Kouji, the 2nd son, his condition becomes worse from time to time. his brain got affected too as the cancer spreading to his brain, causing eyesight problems. And Minami is trying to persuade Taichi to come back to the family.
Highlight for episode 10 (final):
Taichi back to his family. the man who claims he is the Taichi's father is actually not. He just someone who helped Taichi's real mother giving Taichi to Hayashida's family (his current family). and Taichi succeeded his late father's businesses.
What happened to their mother? Did she still alive? how bout Kouji? can he survived? How's the baby?
Yuito was born healthy ^^
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